Crystal Sound Bath

& Reiki Healing Experience

We offer Monthly Crystal Sound & Reiki Baths!

Click HERE for our schedule of what’s upcoming!

This group sound healing & reiki session is typically 60 Minutes long which includes a guided meditation, crystal singing bowls, angelic crystal harp, chimes and a targeted reiki healing.

The frequency of the sound synchronizes with the brainwaves and activates destress responses in the body which reiki ignites our innate inner knowing & truth. Both combined together provide the ultimate relaxation experience.

The adult body is actually 75% water, and water is a fantastic conductor for sound vibration. The sound vibrations help move stored energy in the body. once released, the bodies nervous system can start to restore and rebalance back to it’s natural state.

When vibrations travel through the body, they promote circulation, energy flow, and rejuvenation. .

Sound healing can also shift stored energy frequencies of guilt and fear to higher vibrations of love and joy. Sound healing is the use of sacred instruments or voice to release energetic blockages inducing a state of ease and harmony in the body.


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The Power of Sound and Vibrations

Sound Healing can have physiological effects because its vibrations are not only heard but also felt, and vibrations can lower heart rate, relax brain wave patterns and reduce respiratory rates.

“When the heart rate is relatively steady, and breathing is deep and slow, stress hormones decrease”, said Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, an Oncologist and Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine.